
Cracking the Cost Code: Fiberglass Windows vs Other Window Materials

When planning for window replacement, many homeowners find themselves navigating the complex world of window materials. Two of the most popular options on the market are fiberglass and vinyl windows. But how does the cost of these materials compare? And what about wood windows? This article seeks to clarify the cost comparisons between fiberglass, vinyl, and wood window materials, helping you make an informed decision.

Fiberglass Windows vs Other Window Materials
Fiberglass Windows vs Other Window Materials

Fiberglass Windows: An Overview

Fiberglass windows are a popular choice among homeowners seeking durability and energy efficiency. Made of glass fibers embedded in resin, fiberglass frames are strong, durable, and can be more energy-efficient than vinyl or wood.

Many top window brands, including Marvin, offer fiberglass models with a wide range of prices based on size, type, and installation requirements. While the initial cost of fiberglass windows may be higher than vinyl, their longevity and performance can make them a more cost-effective choice in the long run.

Fiberglass Windows
Fiberglass Windows

The Cost of Fiberglass Windows

The cost of fiberglass windows can vary greatly based on factors such as window type (double-hung, bay, or bow windows), size of the window, and whether you’re opting for a DIY vs professional window installation.

On average, new fiberglass windows can cost between $300 and $900 per window, including installation. This is often more expensive than vinyl, but less than high-end wood windows. Remember that the precise cost will also depend on the specific window brands you choose, and any additional features you might want.

Comparing Fiberglass to Vinyl and Wood Windows

Vinyl windows are often less expensive than fiberglass, with the cost per window typically ranging from $200 to $700, including installation. Despite being less expensive, vinyl windows are durable and require little maintenance, although they can’t be painted or stained to change their color, unlike fiberglass and wood.

Wooden windows, on the other hand, can cost anywhere between $600 and $1,200 per window, making them one of the pricier options. Wood offers a classic, timeless look and can improve your home’s resale value. However, they require more maintenance and aren’t as durable as fiberglass or vinyl.

The Bottom Line

When comparing fiberglass vs. vinyl vs. wood, it’s important to look beyond the initial cost. Consider factors such as the window’s energy efficiency, durability, maintenance requirements, and impact on your home’s resale value.

For instance, while fiberglass windows cost more upfront than vinyl, they can last longer, offer better insulation, and can improve resale values more than vinyl windows. This makes fiberglass windows a cost-effective investment in the long term.

When it comes to window replacement, the best choice will depend on your budget, aesthetic preferences, and long-term home improvement goals. By understanding the costs associated with different window materials, you can make a more informed decision and enjoy the benefits of your new windows for years to come.